An employment contract is created when the employee and the employer agree on the terms of employment, such as wages. You should always study the terms of employment carefully before signing the contract. If necessary, you can ask the union representative or Tehy to go over the contract. We are here to help our members.

An employment contract can be made orally, in writing or electronically. It can also be established silently when a fixed-term employment contract ends, but the employee continues working nonetheless.

We recommend signing a written employment contract. A written contract is clearer than an oral contract and it is easier to use as proof of what was agreed.

At least the following must be entered onto an employment contract

  • parties to the contract, i.e. the names of the employee and employer
  • employment start date
  • if the contract is fixed-term, the contract must contain the grounds and duration
  • trial period, if agreed
  • workplace and tasks
  • applicable collective agreement
  • wages, their basis (hourly or monthly), payday and impact of work experience on wages
  • working hours
  • determination of annual holiday.

Are you concerned about something at your new job? We are here to help our members.

We will provide advice on issues related to wages and working hours, for example. You can contact the union representative at the workplace or Tehy through e-services.

If you are not a member of Tehy, join now! You will have access to our employment advice service as a member benefit!

If the employment contract is non-fixed-term or has a fixed term of more than one month, the employee must be provided a written account of the key terms of employment. The account must be provided by the end of the first pay period, at the latest. The account does not need to be provided if the terms are given in the written employment contract. Normally, the key terms of employment are agreed in the employment contract.


What does your employment contract specify as your working hours? 

Are you about to sign a zero-hours contract? Will you be working general working time, period-based working time or office hours? Do you only want to work day shifts? Do you agree to additional work, overtime or being on call?