Call us
You can also become a member by calling the number 09 5422 7200 (open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays).
Become a member using the membership form
If you do not want to use our membership assistant, you can also join us by filling in the traditional membership form.
Become a full member here (form available in Finnish and Swedish) if you have a degree or qualification in the social welfare, health care, education or rehabilitation field.
Become a student member here (form available in Finnish and Swedish) if you are currently studying for your first degree or qualification in the field. Student membership is free of charge!
If you wish to fill out the form in English, please fill this PDF form and print it out. For the payment of the union fee, choose "Employer will deduct from wages". Mail your completed application form, the page A2 to Tehy without delay to activate your membership benefits: Tehy ry, PL 34, 00060 Tehy.
If you need help in filling out the form, please ask a Tehy member or your shop steward for help!