Fixed-term employment contracts are prohibited, if the employer has a permanent need for labour. Employment contracts are always non-fixed-term, i.e. permanent, if the employer does not have valid grounds for fixed-term employment.

Grounds for fixed-term employment may include

  • temporary job
  • internship
  • nature of work
  • ​​seasonal work.

Case: discrimination and stringing together multiple fixed-term employment contracts

An employer had unlawfully stringed together multiple fixed-term employment contracts and discriminated against a nurse. The employer had not renewed the nurse’s employment contract when she went on maternity leave.

Tehy was there to help

The employer was ordered to pay €25,000 in compensation and the relevant legal costs to the member.


Become a member of Tehy

The union representative and Tehy experts will help you with any questions about your employment. You will have access to free legal aid and other wonderful member benefits, such as necessary occupational insurance!